Michelle Elmore honored by Alabama cattlemenMichelle Elmore honored by Alabama cattlemen
• Alabama BCIA honored Micelle Elmore with this award for her support and implementation of beef cattle performance programs in Alabama.• She is an Extension animal scientist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, where she has served for almost 10 years.
March 29, 2011

The Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association (BCIA) recently honored Michelle Elmore as the 2010 Outstanding Extension Educator during their Annual Meeting and Awards Program held in conjunction with the 68th Annual Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Convention in Montgomery.
Alabama BCIA honored Elmore with this award for her support and implementation of beef cattle performance programs in Alabama. She is an Extension animal scientist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, where she has served for almost 10 years.
Elmore provides leadership for the Alabama BCIA. She serves as coordinator and primary contact for Alabama BCIA sales, events and programs. She directly organizes two bull sales and three BCIA Genetic Verified replacement heifer sales each year.
She annually processes cattle records and consults with commercial producers through the BCIA commercial record keeping program. She leads the organization in programming and events for the BCIA Seedstock Continuing Education Program to provide specialized education for seedstock producers.
She also provides instruction in the area of cattle reproduction, cattle record keeping and BCIA performance program opportunities.
She is a native of Shuqualak, Miss. and was raised on a Brangus seedstock and commercial operation, representing the eighth generation of her family’s agriculture business. She holds a bachelor’s degree in animal science and a Master’s degree in animal reproduction from Mississippi State University.
In April 2011, she will have served with ACES and Alabama BCIA for 10 years. Elmore was presented this award by Tommy Brown, a retired Extension specialist and Alabama BCIA board member.
The Alabama BCIA is a non-profit organization seeking to promote, educate and facilitate the use of performance data, record keeping and marketing opportunities to improve the Alabama cattle industry. Formed in 1964, BCIA cooperates with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System under a formal agreement.
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