Wallaces Farmer

KUCHAR High Performance Combine Parts - Helping farmers put more grain in the bin for over 35 years!KUCHAR High Performance Combine Parts - Helping farmers put more grain in the bin for over 35 years!

KUCHAR High Performance Combine Parts - help farmers increase productivity, get a better sample of grain, and get more bushels per acre for more profit.

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My name is Jim Reeder, I raise commercial corn and soybeans in central Illinois. I have a 5130 International combine with a 8 row corn head and a 25 foot platform. In the past few years I have had trouble cutting green stem beans. I want to use fungicide on my beans for better yields but have only treated a few acres because they were so hard to harvest. This fall I installed a set of Kuchar concaves in my 5130. I was able to cut green stem beans with green leaves still on them with NO trouble. These concaves never plugged. I still had a clean sample and was able to run a mile an hour faster with less fuel consumption. I also harvested green leaf corn with NO problem. Next year I will treat all of my beans with fungicide.  

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KUCHAR High Performance Combine Parts.....37 years delivery

“We own a Deere 9750 STS. With Kuchar concaves, we’re getting a much cleaner sample in corn and soybeans. The machine handles tougher conditions better and is able to maintain full capacity. The concaves stay clean and haven’t experienced any trash buildup like there was with the OEM concaves. We’re very satisfied with the Kuchar concaves and the cleaner grain they produce.”  Sam Ellis - Quaker Point Farms - Chrisman, IL 

“We installed Kuchar concaves in our Deere 9750 STS and noticed fewer white caps and a much cleaner sample in our wheat. We used the same concaves for pinto beans, which saved us time and labor not having to change out the OEM wheat concaves for the bean concaves. We only had 1/2% splits this year in the beans compared to 2-3% in previous years. I think part of that improvement came from the new concaves. I’ve had Kuchar parts in three other Deere machines and have always been satisfied with the performance.” Bob Landgren - Wilton, ND

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KUCHAR High Performance Combine Parts.....37 years delivery

I purchased Kuchar Concaves for a Case IH 7088. I am completely satisfied with the results: More capacity, less rotor loss and a better sample in the tank over the OEM concaves.  Iowa - Case IH customer 

"We first installed Kuchar Combine Parts in our JD 9860 STS in June of 2008. We found that we gained 20% capacity. The heavier rotor runs smoother than the factory models, we have less grain loss and I'm very impressed with the smoothness of thrashing. It is money well spent!"  David Virgin-Indiana My partner, Scott Odie and I farm 4,000 acres; 1,700 soybeans and 2,300 acres of corn. We have always harvested with John Deere combines. This year the machine was an S680 with a 40 foot JD draper for beans and a 16R30" Drago corn head. I gutted a brand new machine and replaced it with George's high performance kit. We only logged 254.4 separating hours and 390.8 engine hours. Plus a higher quality of grain and more even flow through the machine, than I had ever encountered! If it wasn't for our local JD dealer and George, I would be looking for a different colored machine! Farmer approved!"  Joe Koch-Marsden, SK, Canada - 9860 STS  

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KUCHAR High Performance Combine Parts.....37 years delivery

View testimimomials from farmes who use KUCHAR parts here.




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