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North Central IPM Center moves to Michigan

Iowa State University will provide co-direction support.

October 22, 2018

3 Min Read

Michigan State University is the new home of the North Central Integrated Pest Management Center, with co-direction support coming from Iowa State University. For the past 18 years, the North Central IPM Center was held at the University of Illinois, with Michigan State University providing co-direction.

The North Central IPM Center is one of four centers in the nation, serving 12 states, as part of the USDA’s connection to production agriculture, research and extension programs and agricultural stakeholders throughout the United States. The IPM centers’ projects strive to improve economic benefits of adopting IPM practices and to reduce potential risks to human health and the environment. The states in the region include: Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Ohio, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. 

Lynnae Jess of Michigan State University will be the center’s director. As director, Jess will provide leadership and expertise as the North Central IPM Center implements its signature programs and competitive grant programs.  Jess will serve as the liaison to the center-funded working groups and provide regional and national leadership on IPM-related issues. 

“I am excited to start this new chapter of the North Central IPM Center working with Iowa State University,” Jess said. “The North Central IPM Center has funded projects over the last 18 years that have made a big impact in the region, and beyond. The Working Groups have shown how collaborating with other states, regions and countries can help growers, communities, and the environment.”

Serving as co-directors of the center will be Laura Iles and Daren Mueller of Iowa State University. Iles has directed and served as the insect diagnostician in the ISU Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic since 2009.  In addition, Iles provides Iowans training and diagnostic services in the broad areas of consumer horticulture pests, biological control, and invasive insects. Mueller is an associate professor and extension plant pathologist at Iowa State University. He is also the coordinator of the Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management program. His main research interests involve understanding the biology and management of soybean diseases.

As co-director of the NCIPM Center, Iles will assist Jess with administering the competitive grant programs. Iles will also assist in new research committee development and coordinate regional crop profiles and pest management strategic plans.  Jess, Iles and Mueller will participate on regional and national IPM committees. Iles will also continue to direct the ISU Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic and Mueller will continue to coordinate the ISU IPM Program. 

“Faculty and staff at Iowa State University have a long and productive history in conducting IPM research and extension programming,” Iles said. “And I am honored and excited to continue the IPM tradition by collaborating with colleagues at Michigan State University to administer the North Central IPM Center. The NCIPM Center has been, and will continue to be a leader in supporting IPM activities in our region and I look forward to continuing this important and impactful work.” 

IPM is an initiative that aims to identify, research and implement a multitude of strategies that combat and manage various types of pests that can be harmful to all aspects of life, from food production to homeownership. While many pests can be combated with the use of pesticides as a management strategy, IPM seeks to evaluate pest management from a broader perspective, that considers pesticide consequences, economic and environmental repercussions and pesticide resistance. Through practicing IPM techniques and strategies, such as learning insecticide thresholds, learning fungicide applicability techniques and even introducing beneficial organisms to an environment, producers and even homeowners are able to care for their livelihoods, while avoiding unnecessary economic and environmental costs.

The North Central IPM Center has three goals as part of the larger IPM network, including:

  • improving economic benefits of adopting IPM practices,

  • reducing potential risks to human health and

  • reducing potential risks to the environment.

Through encouraging adoption of IPM practices, the center hopes to change the behaviors of producers in the region, while respecting economic constraints and pressures. 

Source: North Central Integrated Pest Management Center

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