February 6, 2017
• Things got a bit testy at yesterday’s Koffee Klutchers Club. I.M. Dum brought his bro-in-law, I.M. Nutz. And Nutz opened the worm can with: “You gotta be dumb — sorry Dum — to not believe in climate change.”
“Y-e-e-s-s-s, you’re right,” responded Cornhead Cal, gently easing into the conversation. “Yesterday was nice and sunny. Today, it isn’t.”
• Phil Osifer sed he got a belly-full of watching protestors on TV: “Only nutcakes listen to nutcakes, and Hollywood seems to bake a lot of ’em.”
• I.M Dum’s New Year’s resolution was to join a wildlife group. But he couldn’t decide which — Elks, Moose or Eagles.
• Didja see the new Spring Driving Guides for Dummies manual?
1. Stay outa mud without a log chain in back.
2. If stuck, don’t dig deeper.
3. If spinning out, stop it, stupid! And see No. 4.
4. Kick in your four-wheel-drive or turn the wheel over to somebody who knows how to drive.
• You gotta wonder why “cadillac” pickups need towing hooks. Those high-end models will never, ever “experience” mud.
• If you forget to give your Valentine a Valentine card or gift, it’s never too late. In fact, a second one after the fact may be even more valuable. (My wife told me to say that.)
Birdsong is a pen name for a Farm Progress editor.
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