March 19, 2018
13 Slides

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TOP AGGIE: U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue laughs during a meeting with North Dakota farm and rancher leaders at a round table discussion in Fargo recently.
When U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue spent the day in Fargo recently, North Dakota farm leaders told him what they needed most from USDA in 2018.
Free trade/fair trade topped their list. A strong crop insurance program was a close second. More farmer-friendly wetlands rules was third.
In turn, Perdue — a veterinarian, business owner and former governor of Georgia — reassured them that he was listening and learning on his trip, and already working on issues that they had identified.
To see pictures from Perdue’s visit roundtable discussion with North Dakota farm leaders, and his luncheon with North Dakota State University students, see the gallery.
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