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Survey begins of Michigan corn and potato growersSurvey begins of Michigan corn and potato growers

Survey provides important links between what farmers produce, how they produce it and the financial state of their operation.

August 24, 2016

2 Min Read

A sample of corn and potato growers across Michigan will soon be contacted by the USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Region to participate in Phase II of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS). 

Conducted annually in the fall and winter, ARMS is USDA’s primary source of information on the production practices, resource use and economic well-being of America’s farm households. The information from ARMS provides important links between what farmers produce, how they produce it and the financial state of their operation.


NASS will conduct personal interviews with over 5,000 farm operators nationwide, including 325 in Michigan. They will be asked to provide information on their fertilizer, nutrient and pesticide applications, as well as their pest management and irrigation practices. 

“This is the second phase of ARMS, where we focus on production practices and costs. This year, we are looking at corn and potatoes,” sayy Marlo Johnson, director of the Michigan Field Office. “During the third phase of the survey, in early 2017, we will follow up with some producers to obtain additional economic data.”

While ARMS is a lengthy and complex survey, its importance cannot be underestimated, according to Johnson. “Virtually every federal farm program and policy is based on ARMS data,” she says. “Conservation programs, price support programs, risk management programs, research programs – you name it. All of them rely on information generated through this survey. That’s why it’s so important that farmers take the time to participate and ensure that we have the most accurate and up-to-date information, straight from the source.”

Johnson assures ARMS participants that the confidentiality of their responses is protected by law. “NASS strictly safeguards the privacy of all respondents and publishes only state and national data, ensuring that no individual producer or operation can be identified,” she says.

For more information about ARMS and other surveys conducted by NASS, contact the Michigan Field Office at  1-800-453-7501 or visit the NASS web site at: www.nass.usda.gov.

Source: NASS Michigan office

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