Unity Seeds may not be a household name yet in your home, or maybe even your neighborhood. But don't be surprised that some of the corn you see as you drive up and down the road, even in your neighborhood, is actually Unity Seed. The Kentland, Ind., company believes in no-frills, low-cost marketing approaches to selling seed, hoping to let their product s speak for them in the field.
The company just reported what they term significant growth in the seed corn market. As a result, the company is expanding its' sales department in an effort to serve more customers, and serve them better. Unity Seeds is a family-owned, Indiana business.
A new director of marketing, Tiffany Frash, has just been appointed to the company's line-up of sales employees. Formerly vice-president of an Indianapolis-based advertising agency, Unity management believes she will help them develop new ideas for marketing and sales. Frash brings more than two years of experience in sales and marketing to the Kentland company.
She will join a staff of seven Unity sales or business development consultants. They include: Katie Allen, Neal Clawson, Charles Farmer, Nicole Holmes, Jeff Linn, Dustin Regnier and Kristy Wegener.
Rick Hyde, president of the company, believes it's an exciting time to be in the seed industry. The decision to bring on more staff, he says, was directly related to the vision the company sees for the seed business.
Unity operates as Unity Ag Direct, Inc., a family business. They did raise eyebrows a few years ago when they first sold seed corn in Sam's Club stores, particularly in the southern U.S., where they didn't have many points of distribution.
The national sales and agronomic center is actually located in West Lafayette. Call 800 338-4558 or 765-497-6520.
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