June 4, 2003
Officials at Nichino America, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nihon Nohyaku Ltd., said they believe the new-generation Protoporphyrinogen IX Oxidase (PPO) inhibitor will be a major player in American agriculture for several reasons:
It has a wide variety of uses – a defoliant in cotton; a potato preharvest desiccant; a preplant, burndown broadleaf herbicide in corn, soybeans, and cotton; a nonselective broadleaf control in noncrop areas; and an in-season broadleaf herbicide under hooded sprayers in cotton;
It has an extremely high unit activity, so only a small amount of active ingredient is needed per acre;
It tank mixes well with other products, and its unique chemistry enhances the effectiveness of those products;
Its expected price range of $1.25 to $2.50 per acre “is a small price to pay for control of tough broadleaves like morningglory, velvetleaf, pigweed, cocklebur, and lambsquarters,” notes Jim Adams, marketing manager at Nichino America.
“Initially, the primary use of ET will be as a cotton defoliant,” explains Adams. “We have a wealth of data showing that ET is a fast-acting defoliant even at low rates of active ingredient, and that it tank mixes well with other late-season products. It can be used under a wide range of temperatures, has little odor, and does not cause leaf sticking. We expect cotton defoliation to be a major market for us.
“We’ve also learned that ET is an outstanding herbicide for broadleaves. Even at rates as low as 1 ounce per acre, we see outstanding control of even the toughest broadleaves.”
For the 2003 growing season, the herbicide will most likely be used in noncrop areas in the West and in double-crop soybeans in the East and South. For 2004, the product will be used anywhere a preplant burndown herbicide is part of a grower’s operation, says Adams.
“The approval came too late for early season burndown, but we expect to see it used in 2003 for preplant, burndown in double-crop soybeans and under hooded sprayers in cotton,” said Adams. “Next year, we would expect widespread adoption of ET. It is labeled as a preplant, burndown herbicide in corn, soybeans, and cotton, and as a nonselective broadleaf control in many noncrop areas.”
ET’s new label also allows it to be used during the season under hooded sprayers in cotton.
Adams expects ET to be used most often in tank-mixes. The herbicide is most effective against hard-to-control broadleaves “so a grass herbicide like glyphosate will be needed as well,” he explains.
“But the biggest reason we believe ET will be tank-mixed,” said Adams, “is that in trial after trial, we have seen that ET enhances the effectiveness of other herbicides applied at the same time, even broad-spectrum products like glyphosate.”
ET’s price also makes it attractive as a tank-mix, said Adams.
“ET has extremely high activity, so very little active ingredient is needed per acre. At the recommended tank-mix rate, we expect that ET will add as little as $1.25 to $2.50 per acre to a grower’s cost. That’s a very attractive bargain for control of tough broadleaves like morningglory and kochia, especially when you see the enhanced control of the rest of your weed spectrum.”
ET’s label includes control of morningglory, velvetleaf, redroot pigweed, chickweed, bedstraw, henbit, shepherdspurse, common ragweed, cocklebur, lambsquarters, prostrate knotweed, wild radish, tall waterhemp, Pennsylvania smartweed, ladysthumb, wild buckwheat, kochia, black nightshade, wild mustard, common purslane, curly dock, annual sowthistle, common sunflower, hairy beggartick, and hemp sesbania.
ET herbicide/defoliant 2.5 EC is not a restricted use chemical, although growers should follow all label directions regarding use and safe handling of the product. It has a Restricted Entry Interval (REI) of 12 hours and is rainfast within one hour of application.
ET is manufactured by Nichino America, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nihon Nohyaku Ltd., Japan’s oldest agricultural chemical company and a manufacturer of agricultural, pharmaceutical, and fine chemicals.
More information on ET and other Nichino products may be obtained by accessing the Nichino America website at www.nichino.net.
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