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Fremont Corn Expo to focus on Finding Profit in 2016Fremont Corn Expo to focus on Finding Profit in 2016

Annual Fremont Corn Expo to feature topics on Finding Profit in 2016; Expo to be held on Jan. 7 at Christensen Field in Fremont.

December 2, 2015

2 Min Read

The Fremont Corn Expo draws in nearly 400 people each year. The annual expo will be held on Jan. 7 at Christensen Field in Fremont, beginning at 8 a.m.

The expo will kick off as usual with a hearty waffle and sausage breakfast, served by the "Waffle Man," to get everyone in the mood for the day-long information sessions.

The first session, by Laura Thompson, Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Director, will explain how on-farm research serves as a valuable tool to evaluate how products and practices impact farm productivity and profitability for the 2016 cropping season.


Bob Nielson, Extension Corn Specialist at Purdue University, will follow with a timely subject on cost-efficient corn production practices for growers during low grain prices focusing on several key agronomic decisions.

A panel of local corn growers that compete in the annual NCGA Yield Contest will have a Q and A with attendees on things they learned from the corn yield contest that they applied to the rest of their farm.

Just before lunch, a business and industry update will be provided by representatives of the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska Corn Growers Association, Nebraska Corn Board, and the Nebraska Farm Bureau.

After lunch, Eric Thompson of UNL will review the economic impact of expanded livestock production in Nebraska, followed by Tamra Jackson, Nebraska Extension Corn Plant Pathologist who will discuss ways to predict and manage disease to maintain high yield and reduce cost for increased profitability.


The Corn Expo will also feature 50 local Ag exhibitors and numerous door prizes. New this year for attendees will be a delicious bag of popcorn, continuing education units for certified crop advisers, and a free rain gauge by participating in the great discussion with the speakers.

For more information, go to

Source: Crop Tech Cafe

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