Farm Progress

Getting past cover crops and no-tillGetting past cover crops and no-till

Sustainability is growing as a hot topic for agriculture but this complicated issue also brings new opportunities for farm success.

Willie Vogt

November 12, 2022

Bring up the word “sustainability” in a meeting and you can almost hear the eyes roll, but this issue isn’t going away. Is there a way farmers can demonstrate their sustainability, build on it and perhaps grow profit? It’s possible.

Liz Hunt, head, Sustainable and Responsible Business, Syngenta, explored the concept in the latest episode of Around Farm Progress. While that word, sustainability, has many definitions, Hunt helps narrow the scope and discusses practices farmers may already be doing that can help. In addition she discusses the idea that for a farm to be sustainable it must also be profitable.

And she shares some information about a way a farmer who might be “sustainability curious” can explore the issue, how tactics already in use on a farm can be measured and offers insight into tactics for the future. And there’s a new app that can help farmers measure the benefits of practices already in use on the farm that show sustainable approaches are in use. Give it a listen.

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About the Author

Willie Vogt

Willie Vogt has been covering agricultural technology for more than 40 years, with most of that time as editorial director for Farm Progress. He is passionate about helping farmers better understand how technology can help them succeed, when appropriately applied.

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