Dryland wheat harvest is underway on the Texas South Plains. While yields and test weights aren't what Lamb County producer Tullie Struve had hoped for due to the drought, he says he's surprised how much wheat is out there to harvest. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be, as dry as our winter and spring were."
According to the USDA NASS May crop report, Texas wheat production is expected to be a little over 43 million bushels, down 37 percent from 2017. Yield per acre is expected to average 27 bushels with harvested acreage for grain at 1.6 million acres, down 32 percent from the previous year. Production for Oklahoma is forecast at 52 million bushels, down 47 percent from 2017. Yield per acre is expected to average 26 bushels with 2 million acres expected to be harvested for grain.
See Less quantity is credited for better quality in Texas South Plains wheat.
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