May 22, 2021
Max talks about inflation, and the market share of the dollar vs. the farm share.
Curt Blades, Association of Equipment Manufacturers talks about tractor and equipment demand, and how the supply chain is impacting the industry.
Max is joined by Jim McCormick,, to talk markets, including volatility impacts, replant considerations, spring rallies, South American crops, summer market swings, wheat crops and more.
Emergency vehicle tech is the topic of Chad Colby's ag tech segment.
Meet the Conservation Legacy Award winner from the south region, Danny Murphy of Canton, Miss.
Max talks about the Farm Futures Business Summit, happening June 16-17 at Coralville, Iowa. The Ag Finance Boot Camp happens June 15. Register here:, and use code MAX for a discount at the live event.
May is Mental Health Awareness month, and Max talks with Adrienne DeSutter, behavorial health consultant, about farmers battling stress and reaching out for help.
Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week.
Greg Soulje is back with an extended weather outlook.
There's a J I Case 1200 in Max's Tractor Shed.
Mark Stock shares what's coming across the block at Big Iron Auctions.
The FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Colton Peacock, Georgia FFA State Southern VP.
Orion asks for help from listeners, wondering what they want to see in the next Farm Bill, in Samuelson Sez.
Max and Dan Glickman, former USDA Secretary, talk about his new book, Laughing at Myself: My Education in Congress, on the farm and at the movies.
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