Farm Progress

This Week in Agribusiness, May 21, 2022This Week in Agribusiness, May 21, 2022

Hot topics this week include planting update, mental health awareness, cordless power tools and the volatility of land market.

May 21, 2022

Many growers are still planting due to weather and Gene Reid, Malta, Illinois, shares an update on planting for his farm.

Planting began at Boone, Iowa Farm Progress Show site that will be harvested during the show August 30 – September 1, 2022.

Max talks with Scott Henry, Nevada, Iowa in this segment of Plan Smart, Grow Smart and shares the approach and mantra of Longview Farms. Scott shares that Longview Farms would like to be around for the long run and that requires doing right by the land, landowners, business partners and our family/team. BASF advisors are an integral part to their farm that has a trust and transparency to help their farm succeed for the future.

Mike Pearson talks markets with Karl Setzer, Agrivisor. Karl dives into the volatility of the wheat market. More on the corn, soybean and livestock market.

This week in Colby Ag Tech, Chad Colby spotlights the Milwaukee cordless power tools .

The heat made a difference for producers to get into fields that have been wet. Max talks with Kent Casson, Central Illinois Farm Network to get an update from producers in his area as well as his personal farm. Kent shares grower attitudes going into this growing season, input prices and local markets.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this week Max visits with Adrienne DeSutter about the challenges during this time of the year for farmers as well as the youth that are in agriculture. Dealing with the stress during planting, school and as well as other involvements in the agriculture community. Transitions in and out of busy season can be a real struggle on families. Being able to communicate with your teens and connecting with them and get them connected to organizations or professionals when dealing with stress.

Greg Soulje gives his weather forecast for week ahead and what to expect in the upcoming forecast.

Max’s Tractor Shed spotlights a 1962 International 404 owned by Tamara Snodgrass, Reading, Michigan.

Mark Stock shares this week’s report from BigIron Auctions.

This week the FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Vickie Ference, Nebraska State Vice President.

Evan Eagen, Farmer Veteran Coalition talks with Max about the purpose behind the programs and how they help veterans return to agriculture.

Mark Stock, Big Iron Auctions, joins Max to talk more on the volatility of land prices. Not much available on the real estate market, buyers are coming to closing with cash offers and there is a 20-30% increase in good quality farmland and this is expected to continue due to higher commodity prices. Land market is the hottest in the heart of the corn belt and top selling prices are close to urban locations that are expanding.  

This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farm management and equipment information and opinions. This leading ag news program airs weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on

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