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This Week in Agribusiness – May 18, 2019This Week in Agribusiness – May 18, 2019

Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson deal with a range of key ag topics from 2019 flooding to cover crops to some farm equipment history.

May 18, 2019

Note: Start the video and all parts will play through as the full show

Part 1

Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson open this week’s show talking about the weather with Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje, who predicted this wet spring. Bill Northey, under secretary of agriculture, shared insights on the spring flooding, neighbors helping neighbors and the support farmers will get to help out. Max and Orion talk markets with Tommy Grisafi, Advance Trading Co., starting with the impact of China, including the concern over that country’s swine herd.

Part 2

Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson continue their market conversation with Tommy Grisafi, Advance Trading. In Colby Agtech, Chad Colby travels to Washington, D.C., to learn about tissue chips which may be used to develop new drugs without testing in humans or animals. Max shares a report on the fight against weed resistance from Syngenta and Bobby Bachman, Syngenta, talks about Tavium Plus VaporGrip which offers residual control.

Part 3

Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson talk with Farm Broadcaster Brian Winnekins, WRDN Radio, Durand, Wis., who talks about issues facing farmers in that part of the country. Chad Colby talks with Jason Webster from Precision Planting to enhance planter performance.

Part 4

Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson open this segment with a report on cover crops as part of the Plan Smart, Grow Smart series from BASF. In the report, Max visits with Justin Rahn, Mt. Carroll, Ill., about the extra value of cover crops for producers. Ag Meteorologist Greg Soulje looks at weather for the week ahead.

Part 5

Ag Meteorologist Greg Soulje offers his extended look at the weather including his four-week forecast.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max shares the story of a 1937 John Deere A owned by the Dillon family, Safe, Mo. Orion Samuelson profiles Girard FFA in Girard, Kan., chartered in 1941. Member Taylor Brynds, shares information about her favorite event in her chapter. In Samuelson Sez, Orion Samuelson takes on an unusual topic this week – Watch Your Litter. When mountains of snow disappear, it reveals mountains of litter; it’s an issue farmers have pointed out this spring.

Part 7

Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson close this week’s show talking with Paul Wallen, author of “The Breakup: What really happened?” a look at the sale of International Harvester to Tenneco in 1984. That move was the ‘end of the world’ for some; but it turned out well, and he shares some interesting facts about the company and its machines. Learn more at

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