December 7, 2024
Jordan Howe, financial area manager, Nutrien Ag Solutions, talks to Mike in the Agronomy for your acres segment. They talk about the financial services offered by Nutrien Ag Solutions, as well as financing challenges growers are facing right now.
Mike talks to Joe Schuele, U.S. Meat Export Federations vice president of communications, about the domestic red mead demand, and the exports that add profitability, including: pork exports, African swine fever impacts, beef exports to Mexico, weak currencies, export volumes and more.
Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week.
Terry Johnston, development officer, Farm Rescue, talks to Mike about the Farm Rescue organization, how many families they’ve helped this year.
At the National Association of Farm Broadcasting conference, Bart Ruth, Solutions from the Land, talked to Lanie Beetsma about the organization goals, the role of conservation in climate mitigation and more.
Mike Newland, Propane Education and Research Council, joins Mike at the desk to talk about PERC, propane safety.
Greg is back with an extended weather outlook.
Sarah McNaughton-Peterson, Dakota Farmer, talks to Mike about the latest episode of FP Next podcast, as well as the podcast in general, and what’s happening in the Dakotas for the winter.
There are heat housers in Max's Tractor Shed.
Mark Stock shares the lineup for BigIron Auctions.
The FFA tribute this week goes to Mikaela Rojas, Missouri State FFA 1st vice president.
In the ag tech segment, Chad Colby shares new spray technology. Josh Robinson, product support specialist, Precision Planting, talks about the new tech available in nozzle control and spot spray control.
In the Plan Smart, Grow Smart series, Max talks to the three farmers featured this year, Chris Curtis, Osborn, Missouri; Evan Schaefer, Bloomingburg, Ohio; and Ted Jacobs, Rock Falls, Illinois; about the products they used this year, company innovations and strategy for 2025.
This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farms, weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on
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