Farm Progress

This Week in Agribusiness August 6, 2022This Week in Agribusiness August 6, 2022

Mike mans the desk this week as Max reports from the field as we get ready for the August yield report from the USDA.

August 6, 2022

Part 1

Mike Pearson is at the desk this week while Max Armstrong reports from the field talking with famers about a new Cargill effort around carbon with their Nathan Fries. Mike Pearson talks markets with Joe Camp of Commstock Investments to talk about Russia situation and other export and import issues. Next they turn to the upcoming USDA yield estimates report coming on Friday.

Part 2

Joe Camp of Commstock Investments rejoins Mike to take a look at the basis in corn and how futures are looking Next they look at soybeans as harvest nears. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby is looking at options for tweel tires for the caster wheels on lawn mowers.

Part 3

Max introduces a segment from his FarmNext program developed with PivotBio. They take a look at ethanol engines.

Part 4

Mike hands of to Al Gustin for a report on what the spring wheat crop might look in Friday’s USDA report. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje joins the show with the weekly weather forecast.

Part 5

Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.

Part 6

In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max introduces a 1958 Ford Industrial 1871 resored by Dan Owens in Danville, Illinois. It’s in a unique color scheme. In the FFA Chapter Tribute Mike talks with Alexis Hughes, South Dakota State FFA Past Reporter. Hughes recently wrapped up her role with the state group which allowed her to meet a learn more about her state. She plans to stay in South Dakota and raise horses as she seeks out a nursing career.

Part 7

Mike return to introduce a segment looking forward to the Farm Progress Show, set for Boone, Iowa, August 30 – September 1. Rick Wild of Farm Progress gives first time visitors an idea of what to expect. They also discuss a new soy-based asphalt being used in the Varied Industries Tent. They also talk about food and golf carts.


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