April 24, 2021
Max shares some land prices and talks with Mike about land regulations.
Chad Colby reports from central California, and talks with Martin Hein, Bakersfield, Cal., farmer about diversifying crops due to lack of water.
Tommy Grisafi, Advance Trading, North Dakota, shares market insight, including wheat, corn rallies and prices, soybean exports and soybean oil and meal. Grisafi also talks about the cattle market.
Chad Colby reviews the new iPad model, the new 12.9-inch Pro.
Max shares Twitter survey results after asking what favorite field operations were.
Viewers from Belgium share their planting experience.
The Half Century of Progress Show is on for 2021. Max shares an interview from the 2019 show with Shawn Ashby, Camden, Ind., about his corn sheller.
Max visited a research farm in North Carolina for the BASF Plant Smart, Grow Smart segment, where they talk plant health.
Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week.
Greg Soulje is back with an extended weather outlook.
There are several in-progress tractors in Max's Tractor Shed.
Mark Stock shares what's coming across the block at Big Iron Auctions.
The FFA Chapter Tribute goes to Addy Stuever Battel, Michigan FFA Region 1 vice president.
Orion talks about the challenge of forest fires and the impact of not only dry weather, but careless human beings, in Samuelson Sez.
Don Tourte, Farm Progress, shares the news that the Farm Progress Show and Husker Harvest Days will happen in person this year.
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