October 13, 2017
Horsch has introduced Canola Ready Technology for its Maestro SW row crop planters. It consists of a small seeds kit, including a set of stainless-steel seed disks and quick-change meter components for fast conversion from row crops to canola.
The kit allows producers unmatched precision seed placement and significant input savings when seeding canola.
CANOLA METERING: A new canola metering disk is part of Horsch’s new fast conversion kit for its Maestro SW planters.
With the Maestro SW row crop planter equipped with Canola Ready Technology, canola producers are can have seed cost savings of 50% or more per acre versus air seeders without sacrifice to yield, due to lower seed mortality rate and improved precision seed placement, says Jeremy Hughes, Horsch product manager.
“The seed savings alone in canola gains an extra $30 to $40-plus per acre of margin. Features such as individual row shutoff to control seeding overlap, curve compensation, and auto row-unit downforce control add even more seed savings.”
Beyond seed cost savings, the uniform emergence and consistent crop development seen in seeding canola with the Maestro are adding tremendous benefits to crop health management and harvest quality. “These all have positive benefits on the farmer’s bottom line,” Hughes says.
Changes in crop rotations are shifting more toward canola, soybeans-small grain and corn rotations, even in northern North Dakota and into the Prairie provinces of western Canada.
“The past two generations of farmers have primarily used air seeder technology for seeding crops. As our producers seek more precise seeding technologies for canola, along with incorporating significant acres of soybeans and corn into their rotations, row crop planters become more viable in these areas. Maestro SW’s row unit and singulation technology provides superior seed placement precision for all of these crops.”
Horsch’s Canola Ready Technology is available to use on all Maestro SW row crop planter models. Maestro SW planters are available in 40- and 60-foot toolbar widths, with row spacing of 15, 20, 22 or 30 inches.
For more information, contact Horsch, Mapleton, N.D., at 855-446-7724 or see horsch.com.
Source: Horsch
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