After the early-morning fog burned off, the opening day of the 2017 Farm Progress Show was nothing but blue skies and fluffy clouds, with a high of 80 degrees – a welcome reprieve for anyone expecting the hot temperatures more typical for August in Decatur.
A storm moved through the area late Monday afternoon, bringing lightning that caused show organizers to clear the site. Show staff and exhibitors worked hard to make up for lost time, and opened with pristine exhibits Tuesday morning.
“Despite the challenges that a storm on Monday evening caused - and that a thick blanket of fog brought on Tuesday morning - Day 1 of the Farm Progress Show was a success. I can’t wait to see where it can go from here!” said Matt Jungmann, Farm Progress director of trade shows.
Less rainfall on the north end of the site meant field demonstrations were a go, and combines of every color harvested corn in the morning. Tillage equipment moved through in the afternoon, flanked by crowds of farmers. And while exhibitor parking was a little muddy, extensive drainage tile throughout visitor parking lots left them solid and able to handle traffic.
As is often the case, visitors could walk through the 90-acre show site and hear languages from around the world, as visitors from more than 40 countries flocked to the Farm Progress Show.
And there was plenty of new equipment and technology on hand to check out. That combined with the latest in crop protection and seed products and visitors carried home plenty of new information to ponder for their operations.
And for the rest of the show? “Full speed ahead,” Jungmann says. “All systems are go.”
So check out the images, and enjoy the first day of the 2017 Farm Progress Show.
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