Farm Progress

World record holder for soybean yield to share insight at soy schoolWorld record holder for soybean yield to share insight at soy school

New Show Me Soy School will be held July 14 at soybean association's Bay Farm Research Facility.

June 6, 2017

2 Min Read
WHAT IT TAKES: Georgia soybean grower Randy Dowdy will share his winning yield strategies with Missouri farmers during the Show Me Soy School on July 14.

Georgia soybean grower Randy Dowdy will share his strategies for achieving world-record-breaking yields at a new event for Missouri soybean farmers this summer.

The Missouri Soybean Association will host the Show Me Soy School on July 14 at its Bay Farm Research Facility, on Rangeline Road outside of Columbia.

The event, made possible through the soybean checkoff, will offer breakout sessions on soybean breeding and production practices, as well as exploring new technology for soybean growers.

Headlining the day will be Dowdy, who is the reigning world record holder for soybean yield. The Brooks County, Ga., grower claimed the title from Missouri’s Kip Cullers with a whopping yield of 171 bushels per acre. He will share his experience with attendees.

In addition to Dowdy’s discussion on high-yielding soybean crops, breakout session topics planned for the day include:

MU Soybean Breeding Program. Attendees will hear about the focus of the University of Missouri breeding program, including conventional soybean and progress made using the Missouri high-oleic trait.

Herbicide injury. There will be an update on a new app being developed to provide growers information on the degree of injury related to herbicide crop response symptoms, as well as research on dicamba movement.

Research characterizing soybean phenotype (physical differences). Growers will learn how this is beneficial for physiological improvements, soybean breeding and improved varieties.

Research efforts for control of SCN. Much work has been done in Missouri, and research continues to help producers and industry effectively manage soybean cyst nematode.

Cover crop management trials. Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council representatives will discuss the latest research involving the examination of cover crop benefits and managing cover crops effectively in soybean rotations.

Lunch will be included for attendees of the daylong event, courtesy of the MSMC and soybean checkoff. Registration information and the full agenda will be available online at For more information, contact Greg Luce at [email protected], or call 573-635-3819.

Source: Missouri Soybean Association

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