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Feedback From The Field - Oct. 10, 2016 147750Feedback From The Field - Oct. 10, 2016 147750

Farmer reports suggest USDA too high on corn, too low on soybeans.

Bryce Knorr 1, Senior Market Analyst, Farm Futures

October 10, 2016

4 Min Read
A producer in southern Missouri summed up some growers’ attitude in Feedback from the Field comments. “Prepare to be let down on your corn yields.”

Click the large green dots on the interactive map to see yield estimates. Smaller dots represent condition reports from throughout the spring and summer.  Note that the map may need to be refreshed to display all the locations.

While yields posted last week to Feedback From The field remain highly varied to say the least, some trends emerged as the market braces for Wednesday’s official update on production from USDA. Corn yield increased from early results, but remain below the government’s September estimate of 174.4 bpa. Soybean results fared just the opposite, decreasing a little last week but overall coming in higher than USDA’s Sept. 12 estimate of 50.6 bpa.

Even within the same state extreme variances prevailed. A producer in central Iowa northwest of Ford Dodge beset by wet conditions averaged only 98 bpa. But another in the northwest corner of the state came in at 235, about the same as last year. And the farm’s soybeans were eye-popping: “Record bean crop,” according to the grower, who put yields at 79 bpa.

After cutting two fields a producer in southeast North Dakota estimated corn yields at 185 bpa. “There will be people with over 200 bpa farm average,” he said of his part of the state.

To the south on the Plains, not all growers were gushing. A producer near Clay Center, Kansas, put corn yield at 140 bpa.  “This was 30 bu under what yields were estimated to be,” wrote the grower.  “We are hearing some real disappointing yields from the irrigated corn in the area.”

A producer in southern Missouri summed up some growers’ attitude. “Prepare to be let down on your corn yields.”

Click this link to give us your own Feedback on 2016 yields.

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About the Author

Bryce Knorr 1

Senior Market Analyst, Farm Futures

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