Farm Progress

South Carolina farmers not over disaster, new video showsSouth Carolina farmers not over disaster, new video shows

The video shows the devastation of the worst natural disaster in a generation on our state’s number one industry.

December 4, 2015

1 Min Read

When the South Carolina flood occurred back in October, Clemson Extension began compiling photos, videos and testimonies to piece together the story of how the agricultural community of South Carolina was affected. 

The video shows the devastation of the worst natural disaster in a generation on our state’s number one industry.

In addition to this video, Clemson Extension has put together a great website with many more details of the whole disastrous growing season we experienced this year along with a number of resources for those that were affected.  Follow this link to have a look.

Some of the other features include:

Interactive timeline aggregating our stories and stories from other media outlets starting with the drought (We will continue to add to this timeline.)

  •  Farmer resources

  • Links to ways people can support our farmers

  • An interactive slide show of images

Take a few minutes to browse the website and keep in mind that even though the rest of the world has moved on, South Carolina’s agricultural community has a long, hard row to hoe.

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