December 1, 2015
The National Peanut Board takes peanut allergies seriously.
To date, the NPB has invested more than $11 million in food allergy research, education and outreach. An important aspect of the outreach effort is to provide accurate information to those who write about and advocate for better understanding of food allergy issues.
A recent update from NPB noted the importance of communicating with food allergy bloggers.
“Since conversations and media coverage about peanut allergies continue to influence consumer perceptions, National Peanut Board had a reason to exhibit a strong presence at the Food Allergy Blogger Conference in Denver Nov. 13-15,” the report stated.
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NPB has significant information to give these top advocates and writers in the food allergy community.
The recent conference focused on two major themes: the importance of collaboration and the importance of self-advocacy and education.
NPB noted that the food allergy community understands the importance of working together and sharing personal stories/tips on proper management, as well as the importance of teaching children about their food allergies and preparing for every situation. Conference sessions included practical food allergy management, legal approaches, flying with food allergies, epinephrine and auto injectors, and college accommodations.
“Specifically, NPB directly engaged with food allergy influencers, brands (allergy-friendly food to app developers), and all types of food allergy experts and speakers; discussing the board’s efforts in food allergy research, education and proper food allergy management,” according to the report.
“A centerpiece of the conversations was, NPB’s peanut allergy website with the latest research, advice and help for parents, schools and health professionals.”
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