For those of you who liked my blogs on ultra-high-density grazing with non-selective grazing, I now have an online presentation about that with more explanation and quite a few more pictures.
In the presentation I did for the Farm Progress Virtual Experience, I describe what I am learning and what I yet need to accomplish to get the fullest benefits from this methodology. You can watch it at this link.
I combined the information about the productive benefits that I covered in my first blog on the topic, with information about the genetic capabilities cattle need to thrive in this management from my second blog, and some of the information about managing for quality at critical times from my third blog on the topic.
In case you missed it, I explained previously the rewards for using non-selective grazing along with UHDG: It is to rapidly increase the leaf-to-stem ratio of the forage plants, increase seedling establishment, increase palatable forages, and obtain a more even harvest of all plants, decreasing the tendency of cattle to sort for the plants they like and leave behind the ones they don’t.
Selective grazing allows them to select what they want, whether under continuous grazing or some less-intensive form of rotation. The stock density alone does not create selective or non-selective grazing. It is the consumptive requirement the manager puts on the cattle.
The primary difficulty in managing this type of system arises because of the type of cattle we have today. They have been bred so they are poorly suited to consuming and thriving on low-quality forage.
Affordable and effective supplementation is also very important, but affordability is critical. I address that, too.
People really struggle with this concept, but this kind of production can produce many more pounds of beef per acre. In fact that is the goal, and it will produce more profit in the long run because it is low-cost and high-output.
You’ll need to register with the system to see the video here:
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