January 13, 2012
Farm Press has launched its newest onlinecontinuing education course accredited for continuing education hours for licensed agricultural professionals.
The course, Disease Management in Citrus Orchards in California, Florida and Texas, details six of the primary diseases affecting citrus: Huanglongbing (citrus greening); citrus canker; citrus tristeza virus (CVT); leprosis; citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC); and citrus stubborn disease.
It is approved for two hours of CE credit by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. It is also accredited for Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) continuing education units.
The course is accessible at pentonag.com, where a licensed professional can register and access the free material.
Information on each disease includes history, epi-demiology, symptoms, diagnosis and management.
There are 20 comprehensive review questions at the conclusion of the course. A score of 70 is required to earn credit. Southeast Farm Press will report hour completions to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer.
There are more than 25 online continuing education courses available at pentonag.comand several others in addition to citrus are accredited in Florida.
The new citrus course also is accredited for continuing education hours in California and Texas.
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