Farm Progress

CDFA reduces Pierce’s disease wine grape assessment

The California Department of Food and Agriculture sets the 2013 Pierce’s disease wine grape harvest assessment at $.75 per $1,000 of value.The new rate represents a 25-percent decrease from the $1 rate last year.New rate recommended by the Pierce’s Disease-Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter board of directors.

June 27, 2013

1 Min Read

(From the Pierce’s Disease-Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Board of Directors)

California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross has set the 2013 Pierce’s disease wine grape harvest assessment at $.75 per $1,000 of value.

This rate represents a decrease from the 2012 rate of $1.

The new rate is based on the recommendation by the Pierce’s Disease-Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter board of directors.

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PD-GWSS assessment research funds help find a solution to Pierce’s disease and other activities related to the transmittal of the bacterial disease, which is vectored by the glassy-winged sharpshooter. In the end, infected grape vines die.

Board Chairman Drew Johnson said, “With both production and prices expected to be up, the Board felt that a lower assessment rate would still bring in the necessary funds needed to maintain all the research and other Board programs at current levels.”

For more information on PD-GWSS, go online to

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