Farm Progress

This Week in Agribusiness, May 20, 2023This Week in Agribusiness, May 20, 2023

Insights from a state ag director, dash cams, precision ag on the farm, Century of Progress Show and Kentucky agriculture are featured this week.

May 20, 2023

48 Min View

Chris Chinn, Missouri director of agriculture, talks with Max about spring weather, planting progress, drought and local farmer attitudes, farm policy, agribusiness, urban farming and direct farm purchases.

In the studio, Mark Robinson, Robinson Ag Marketing, joins Mike to talk markets, including responses to USDA reports, more cancellations from China, old-crop concerns, new-crop opportunities, wheat market, cattle markets and price risk management.

In the ag tech segment, Chad Colby shares a dash camera.

Charlie Berens talks about Kentucky in the Ag States of America segment.

In Tech at Work, Willie Vogt visits a cotton farm in Arizona, and talks to Brian Rhodes about using John Deere Operations Center on the farm. Layne Richins, precision ag manager, Stotz Equipment, shares insight into using tech for corn and beans on other crops.

Greg Soulje is in with a weather forecast for the week, and an extended weather outlook.

There’s a 1939 Farmall H in Max's Tractor Shed.

Mark Stock shares the lineup for BigIron Auctions.

The FFA tribute this week goes to Gabriella Martin, Virgina state FFA vice president.

Back at the desk, Mike and Max talk with Russell Boer, Illinois farmer and co-chair of the Half Century of Progress Show, about the Half Century of Progress Show this August at Rantoul Illinois.

This Week in Agribusiness features market news, ag technology, weather and farms, weekly on RFD-TV, and can be found each week on

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