Farm Progress

Midwest Digest, January 2, 2023Midwest Digest, January 2, 2023

Max Armstrong shares insights on a recent governor race, creation of a rural area-focus mental health organization and banished words.

January 2, 2023

Max Armstrong warns of an upcoming ice storm in Iowa that could impact the power system. Max offers an interesting observation on the recent election for governor in Michigan.

He shares the story of the creation of a group called Rural Minds created by Jeff Winton. The organization provides resources to help with mental health challenges in the country at

Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, has come out with its latest banished words list, an annual event for more than 50 years. Max offers a few examples, including one word he admits he’s guilty using.

Midwest Digest is a twice-daily audio feature produced by Max Armstrong, offering news and commentary from across the Midwest.

And don’t miss Farm Progress America, which runs every day online.

Photo: Zoran Zeremski/iStock/Getty Images News

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