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MIDDAY-Midwest Digest, May 25, 2020MIDDAY-Midwest Digest, May 25, 2020

Max Armstrong got to dine out recently, shares news of crop progress and a tragic farm accident in Iowa and discusses the story of a Missouri alligator.

May 25, 2020

Max Armstrong shared his experience of dining out for the first time in a while. They enjoyed the experience and noted the special attention to safety. Max shares that as states open back up, people continue to shelter in place for now. From This Week in Agribusiness, crop progress will be reported Tuesday, but for many there's a challenge of farmers getting their crop in. He shared news of a farm employee killed when pulling a tractor out of the mud. And there is an alligator in Kentucky Lake in Kentucky, but it was injured by a boat.

Midwest Digest is a twice-daily audio feature produced by Max Armstrong, offering news and commentary from across the Midwest.

And don’t miss Farm Progress America, which runs every day online.

Photo: iStock/Getty Images Plus

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