November 18, 2013
All Missouri sheep and goat producers are invited to attend the Annual Meeting & Field Day hosted by the Missouri Sheep Producers on Nov. 23 at Lincoln University's Carver Farm in Jefferson City, Missouri.
The day's events begin at 9:30 a.m. Greg Brann, owner of Big Spring Farm in Adolphus, Kentucky, will present two programs during the day. His presentations will focus on multi-species grazing (sheep and goats), drought management, grazing the "top-third", grazing and recovery periods as well as fencing, livestock selection and handling facilities.
Greg Brahn, owner of Big Spring Farm in Adolphus, Kentucky, will present two programs during the Annual Meeting
Greg operates a multi-species grazing operation. His goals are low stress, low cost and improving the environment and production while being profitable. His accomplishments are great pasture fertility without purchasing fertilizer, easy keeping livestock, increased cover forage and residue and good weed control.
Speaker lineup
Additional speakers include Dan Kliensorge, Executive Director of Missouri Farmers Care, and Nick Forrest, American Lamb Board Chairman. Dan will explain the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment and why it is needed. Nick will provide an update on activities from the American Lamb Board.
Other activities include an election of officers and an overview of the association's 2013 activities. Lunch is provided courtesy of Stegall Fabrication and Manufacturing of Moberly. Other sponsors include the Miller County Regional Stockyards and Missouri Sheep Merchandising Council.
More information can be found on the Missouri Sheep Producers website or by contacting Executive Director Scott Kaden at 573-578-9801.
Source: Missouri Sheep Producers
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