October 15, 2010
Improving farm safety, particularly in the event of an accident causing serious injury, can be enhanced by obtaining a simple first aid kit that costs as little as $20. Information provided by the Iowa State Extension explains the kit should contain a first aid manual, two triangular bandages, antiseptic spray, 12 large adhesive bandages, four safety pins, four sterile 2x2 inch bandages, four 4x4 inch bandages, one roll of two-inch tape, six pressure 8x10 inch bandages, scissors, two rolls of elastic tape and five clean plastic bags.
To be ready for a poisoning case, the kit should include: an emergency and/or poison control center telephone number, syrup of ipecac, two one-quart containers of clean water, tongue depressors, two small, empty plastic jars with tight-fitting lids, a can of evaporated milk, a blanket for treating shock, plastic bandages and tape and disposable rubber gloves and goggles.
TALKIN' COTTON is produced by NTOK Cotton, an industry partnership dedicated to increased cotton production in the Rolling Plains of North Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. [email protected].
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