August 30, 2024
By Ron Stock
The land market still is holding steady, with very few farms on the market. Corn and soybean prices are as low as they have been in years, but cattle prices are high. There is talk that interest rates may go down, and all of these factors continue to affect land markets. The time it takes to sell a farm right now is about 60 days.
The following are a few of the most recent sales in Nebraska, with all reports coming this month from BigIron Realty:
Wayne County. A total of 160 acres sold at an online auction for $1,816,000. This productive dryland farm has been in one family for many years. It is close to markets in Wayne, Neb., and possession was open for the 2025 growing season.
Northeast and East
Madison County and Platte County. A total of 309.9 acres sold at an online auction in three tracts for $2,546,427.06. Tract 1 is a dryland farm that included what was known as the Home Quarter in Platte County, comprised of 154.31 acres that garnered $1,350,212.50. Tract 2 in Platte County offered potential for development. This tract was comprised of 82.56 acres and brought $524,338.56. The dryland farm was split into half cropland and half grass. Tract 3 is dryland crop ground in Madison County comprised of 73.03 acres, and it brought $621,876.
York County. A total of 394.57 acres sold at an online auction in two tracts for $4,465,809.50. Tract 1 included 160.13 acres in a flat, irrigated farm and brought $1,945,579.50. Included in the sale was a natural gas power unit, a 100-hp gear head with pump, and 50-hp gearhead. Tract 2 included 234.44 acres and brought $2,520,230. Located west of Benedict, Neb., this tract also was a high-quality farm with great access with terrain that is flat to very gently sloping. Also included were 21.64 acres that was placed into the USDA Wetland Reserve Program in 2000. Included in the sale was a 60-hp gear head with pump.
Based in Columbus, BigIron, a licensed real estate broker in eight states, compiles the reports each month for this column. However, not all sales are handled by BigIron each month. For more information, call BigIron at 800-887-8625. Stock is co-founder of BigIron Auctions and Realty with his brother Mark.
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