January 6, 2015
There is some activity going on around Central Iowa Expo grounds, the site of the 2014 Farm Progress Show.
Landscaping companies have moved in July 28th for the long haul They started mowing and managing the grass, and will soon bring in wood chips for the lots.
Tents have been constructed on many lots, with a couple waiting for the cranes to come in and lift them into position.
Early spring rains left the demonstration fields looking good.
"Field corn seems to be coming along quite nice. We are in a good position for the field demonstrations," said Mark Lovig, Farm Progress Show Operations Manager.
Farm Progress Show Site Coming to Life
Traffic meetings with local officers, officials and highway crew were held not too long ago, tweaking the traffic plan in preparation for the show.
Gallery: Building Tiers on a Brock >>>
Crews are building a new Brock bin on the northeast side of the show site. After braces are intact, jacking up the bin to place the next tier will begin.
Next: Roofing the Astro >>>
New tin is being placed on the Astro Building.
Next: Dow AgroSciences Test Plots Growing >>>
Dow AgroSciences test plots are growing nicely on the west side of the show site.
Next: Hospitality Tent Erected, Waiting to Cover >>>
The skeletal structure of the Hospitality tent is up, just waiting for the canvas tarp to cover.
Next: Tent Supplies Unloaded, Waiting >>>
A few tent structures are waiting to be built once they are unloaded off the trucks.
Next: Monsato Moisture Plots Assembled >>>
Monsanto moisture plots are being put in and ready for the 2014 show.
Next: GPSing Show Site Lots >>>
Farm Progress Show Staff, Jerry Dean Kammin finishes GPSing the exhibitor lots.
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