August 24, 2012
The EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region announced the 12 winners for the 2012 annual environmental awards to acknowledge significant contributions to protecting the environment.
“The winners, green heroes all, prove there are many ways to protect our air, water and land,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “Each one has taken up the challenge to improve our environment, and we all stand to benefit.”
Groups and individuals were selected from nominees received this year from businesses, government officials, tribes, media, environmental organizations and community activists. The 12 categories and this year’s winners are from Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, and tribal lands:
Green Business of the Year
Frito-Lay Casa Grande Plant, Casa Grande, Ariz.
Green Government
ASU’s Sustainable Cities Network, Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability, Tempe, Ariz.
Zero Waste Advocate
Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose, Calif.
Sustainable Agriculture Champion
Russ Lester of Dixon Ridge Farms, Winters, Calif.
Climate Change Champion
Grid Alternatives, Oakland, Calif.
Green Chemistry
KORE Infrastructure syngas pilot project in Paramount, Calif.
Environmental Justice Champion
Neelam Sharma of Community Services Unlimited, South Los Angeles, Calif.
Efficient Water Infrastructure
The Water and Energy Technology (WET) Center at California State University, Fresno, Calif.
Children’s Environmental Health
Dr. Jeanne Conry of American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Roseville, Calif.
Educational Leadership
Guam Environmental Education Committee, Hagatna, Guam
Clean Technology
Kuehnle AgroSystems, Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii
Tribal Environmental Protection
Shoshone Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley in Owyhee, Nev.
Individual presentations and group award ceremonies will be conducted at various locations in the Pacific Southwest region over the next several months. Additional information about the award recipients will be provided in advance of the separate award ceremonies.
Each year, U.S. EPA’s Pacific Southwest office encourages citizens in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Territories to nominate individuals or organizations for 12 environmental awards. This program offers a great opportunity to recognize individuals and groups outside of the EPA who are working to protect public health and the environment. Awards are granted to scientists, teachers, journalists, citizen activists, young people, organizations, business representatives, tribal leaders, public officials, and others committed to protecting public health and preserving our natural surroundings.
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