March 2, 2020
With Market Facilitation Program payments made and trade agreements recently signed, there is a renewed optimism that corn may get to above breakeven prices this year. Cash rents and land prices are holding steady. Optimal time for online land auction marketing is six weeks out, BigIron Realty reports.
BigIron Realty of Columbus, Neb., a licensed real estate broker in eight states, compiles the reports for this column, but not all sales are handled by BigIron each month. Contact BigIron at 800-887-8625. The following are several of the most recent sales:
Central Kansas
Sumner County. A total of 160 acres sold at online auction for $296,000. This is a nice, gently sloping farm with about 125.03 acres of cropland, 29.04 acres in the Conservation Reserve Program and the remainder in trees, which makes for good deer hunting. The property is within 3 miles of grain elevators in Conway Springs, Kan. — Compliments of BigIron Realty
Northeast Nebraska
Boone County. A total of 491.8 acres sold in three tracts at online auction for $2,230,256.75. Tract 1 consists of 160 acres of pasture ground, and it brought $4,076 per acre. This tract has development potential. A portion is being hayed, and the current water sources are multiple dams. Tract 2 is a combination farm that brought $4,175 per acre. It consists of 87 acres of gravity-irrigated land, 81 acres of dryland, and the balance of about 156 acres is made up of pasture and a stretch of the scenic Cedar River. Tract 3 is a 5.19-acre parcel that brought $214,500. It features a two-story home with three bedrooms, a detached two-car garage, a 40-by-80 cemented Quonset, a barn and some outbuildings. — Compliments of BigIron Realty
Eastern Nebraska
Nance County. A total of 320.26 acres sold in two tracts at online auction for $1,908,551.86. Tract 1 is 185.4 acres that brought $5,820. It consists of half pivot-irrigated land and half dryland. The irrigated half comes with two six-tower T&L pivots, and a Perkins diesel unit on the well to supply water to both pivots. Tract 2 is 134.86 acres that brought $6,151 per acre. This tract is a rolling dryland farm. — Compliments of BigIron Realty
Central Nebraska
Hall County. A total of 153.76 acres sold at online auction for $645,972. This property is a nice, pivot-irrigated tract close to local markets. There is an all-electric eight-tower Valley pivot with newer upgrades. — Compliments of BigIron Realty
Northwest Nebraska
Scotts Bluff County. A total of 235 acres sold at online auction for $423,000. This is a nice, nearly level combination farm. The Gering-Fort Laramie Irrigation District canal runs throughout the property, which makes for inexpensive irrigating. — Compliments of BigIron Realty
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