Carinata: Valuable biofuel potential for Florida farmers
A canola cousin, carinata produces oil seeds that can be used to make an alternative fuel which is virtually indistinguishable from petroleum counterparts.Researchers at the University of Florida’s North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy, Fla., conducting carinata trials in hopes of introducing it as alternative for Florida farmers.
August 17, 2013
Brassica carinata, or carinata as it is commonly called, is a leafy plant originating in Ethiopia.
In its native habitat it is cultivated for its mild flavored leaves. This cousin of canola is also a prolific producer of oil seeds, one that can be used to make an alternative fuel which is virtually indistinguishable from petroleum counterparts.
Field preparations at the University of Florida’s North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy, Fla., are currently under way for a carinata crop trial.
“By commencing production with our agricultural innovators and early adopters, we will be able to bring 200,000 to 500,000 acres of row crop/pasture land in Florida under oilseed production during the winter months,” said David Wright, project director at NRFEC.
“This is normally a fallow period of acreage under-utilization, which could produce approximately 40 (million) to 100 million gallons of biofuel.”
Jet fuel produced with carinata is capable of being formulated as a 100 percent biofuel, meeting petroleum standards using technology from Applied Research Associates in Panama City, Fla.
Until now, biofuel flights have been restricted to a 50 percent blend with petroleum, as the technology for a pure biofuel product was largely unproven.
On Oct. 29, 2012 a Dassault Falcon 20 twin engine jet took off from Ottawa, making a 90 minute round-trip flight to Montreal. The fuel which powered the jet was made from 100 percent carinata oilseed.
A chase plane monitored the air quality of the exhaust from the Falcon 20’s engines, and several engineers were on-board to monitor the engine’s performance.
It was the first time a jet aircraft was powered by an unblended, renewable fuel meeting petroleum jet fuel specifications.
Carinata fuels need only a minimal amount of refining once the oilseeds are crushed and filtered.
A million dollar grant from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will help refine production practices, post-harvest handling and oilseed delivery procedures.
“With the technology proven we estimate total income to be from $550 to $750 per acre, generating an income of $110 (million) to $375 million per year for the state of Florida,” said Wright.
“This technology will not take land out of food production and has the benefit of creating jobs in Florida with a minimal impact on the environment,” he said.
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