Northeast Texas farmers and ranchers have an opportunity to learn the latest in weed control techniques Dec. 11 during the annual Ag Technology Conference at Texas A&M-Commerce.
The conference and expo will be held in the Sam Rayburn Student center on the Texas A&M-Commerce Campus.
Participants will qualify for five private applicator and five commercial applicator continuing education units.
Two experts from the University of Arkansas will discuss Mid-South emerging weed control problems that could soon affect growers in the Southwest. Jason Norsworthy, associate professor, University of Arkansas, will address glyphosate resistant weeds. John Boyd, University of Arkansas Extension weed scientist, will discuss managing difficult to control brushy weeds.
Don Renchie, Extension program leader for Agriculture and Environmental Safety, will provide a Laws and Regulations update.
Three industry representatives will discuss new product technology. Eric Castner, DuPont; Gary Fellows, BASF; and Jim Bloomberg, Bayer CropScience, will look at emerging technology expected within the next five years.
The annual conference is sponsored by Cereal Crops Research Inc., Texas A&M-Commerce, Texas AgriLife Extension and the agribusiness industry.
Registration fee before Nov. 30 is $20 ($30 after Nov. 30) per person. The fee includes lunch.
For more information, contact Jim Swart at [email protected].
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