Farm Progress

Southeast Hay Convention is March 8-9 in Moultrie, Ga.Southeast Hay Convention is March 8-9 in Moultrie, Ga.

The 2016 Southeast Hay Convention will be March 8-9 at the Sunbelt Ag Expo grounds in Moultrie, Ga. This two-day workshop will focus on techniques for producing high yields of high quality hay and baleage, along with a more detailed look at specific topics.

February 25, 2016

2 Min Read

The 2016 Southeast Hay Convention will be March 8-9 at the Sunbelt Ag Expo grounds in Moultrie, GA. This two-day workshop will focus on techniques for producing high yields of high quality hay and baleage, along with a more detailed look at specific topics.

This program is dedicated to those who are serious about commercial hay production and those who would like to "dig deep" into the subject. The subject matter presented in these classes are advanced and provided in detail. We pride ourselves in the fact that this training is unique in the Southeast, as it is essentially the only program that provides extensive details on hay production practices.

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016:

8:00                  Sign-in and Get Notebooks/ Materials

8:40                  Welcome and Introductions

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

General Update Session

8:45                  Fertilization Outlook for Hay Producers

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

9:15                  Climate Outlook and Implications for the Hay Market

                           Dr. Pam Knox, Extension Climatologist

9:45                  Weed Management Recommendations for 2016

                           Dr. Patrick McCullough, Extension Weed Scientist

10:30                Break (Visit Display Area)                         

In-Depth: Weed Competition

11:00                Weed Biology and Competition with Forage Crops

                           Dr. Tim Grey, Professor and Research Weed Scientist

11:40                Competition from Annual Grassy Weeds

                           Dr. Patrick McCullough, Extension Weed Scientist

12:00                Lunch Break (Visit Display Area)                          

In-Depth: Herbicide Technology and Resistance

1:00                  The Uptake, Mode of Action, and Fate of Herbicides Used in Hayfields

                           Dr. Tim Grey, Professor and Research Weed Scientist

1:40                  Herbicide Resistance: A Growing Issue for Hay Producers

                           Dr. Patrick McCullough, Extension Weed Scientist

2:30                  Break (Visit Display Area)                          

In-Depth: Weed Biology and Management (Demonstration)

2:50                  Field and Potted Plant Demonstrations

                           Dr. Patrick McCullough, Extension Weed Scientist

                           Dr. Tim Grey, Professor and Research Weed Scientist

In-Depth: Pesticide Application (Demonstration)

4:00                  Calibrating and Cleaning Pesticide Application Equipment

                           Dr. Glen Rains, Professor, Entomology

                           Jeremy Kichler, Colquitt Co. Extension Coordinator

4:30                  Selecting Appropriate Nozzles

                           Brian Mathis, Southeast Regional Sales Manager at TeeJet Technologies

5:00                  Dismiss

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016:

8:00                  Coffee and Doughnuts and Visit Display Area 

Alfalfa in the South

8:30                  Why Grow Alfalfa?

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

9:00                  Site Selection and Establishment Protocol for Alfalfa in Bermudagrass

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

9:30                  Alfalfa Management and Trait Selection

                           Dr. Ali Missaoui, Assoc. Professor, Forage Breeding

10:00                Forage Quality Improvements When Using Alfalfa

                           Dr. Jennifer Tucker, Asst. Professor, Ruminant Nutrition

10:30                Break (Visit Display Area)

Insect Management Update  

11:00                Insect Management Update

                           Dr. Will Hudson, Extension Entomologist

11:30                Bermudagrass Stem Maggot Research Update

                           Dr. Bill Anderson, USDA-ARS Tifton

12:00                Lunch Break (Visit Display Area)

Baled Silage and Forage Sampling

1:00                  The Keys to Making Great Baleage

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

1:45                  Sampling Hay and Baleage for Forage Analysis (Demonstration)

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

2:10                  Break (Visit Display Area)

Forage Establishment

2:30                  Sod Destruction, Renovation, and Seedbed Preparation

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

3:00                  Methods for Vegetative Establishment

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

3:30                  Demonstration of Sprigging Equipment and Initiating the Sunbelt Ag Expo’s Bermudagrass Garden

                           Dr. Dennis Hancock, Extension Forage Agronomist

                           Panel Discussion with Sprigging Experts in the Southeast

5:00                  Dismiss

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