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At the 2018 annual convention of the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association, held Dec. 7 in Alexandria, a number of producers and organizations were honored for their work to help promote the state’s beef industry.
Awards given and those receiving recognition were:
• Minnesota Cattlemen of the Year Award. The team of producers who stepped up a decade ago and continue to volunteer and manage the MSCA food booth at Farmfest each year. Acknowledged for their leadership were Krist Wollum, Porter; Dick and Judy Pesek, Taunton; Grant and Dawn Breitkreutz, Redwood Falls; and Mark Malacek, Morgan.
• Minnesota Cattlewoman Lifetime Achievement. Vicky Fick, Lake City.
• Minnesota Beef Council’s Beef Prime Promoter. Marshall County Ag Association, Warren. Accepting the award at the program was Alysa Tulibaski, University of Minnesota Extension 4-H program coordinator.
• Minnesota Cattlewoman of the Year. Jennifer Schiefelbein, Kimball.
• Orbiter Award. Juanita Boniface, Oak Grove, and presenter Conrad Kvamme, Orbit Farms, Arlington.
• Minnesota Cattlemen’s Beef Industry Service Award. Dave Frederickson, Minnesota Department of Agriculture commissioner.
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