February 15, 2017

“We’ve definitely seen an increased interest from farmers in placing cows under roof,” says Brian Waddingham, executive director of CSIF. “Whether it’s due to a lack of available pasture, a way to grow the herd without acquiring additional land or protection from inclement weather: farmers are wanting to learn more about this option and if it’s feasible for their farm.”
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) is hosting a “Calving Under Roof Symposium on Expanding the Cowherd — The Confinement Option” on March 21-22 in Omaha, Neb. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to attend. The meeting will provide livestock farmers an opportunity to learn about the economics of calving under roof, outline strategies to reduce feed costs, discuss cattle health considerations and participate in virtual tours of existing calving barns.
Increased interest from farmers
The event is co-sponsored by the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska, the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and the Nebraska Cattlemen. It will be held at the CoCo Keys Resort Hotel in Omaha at 2 p.m. March 21.
“We’ve definitely seen an increased interest from farmers in placing cows under roof,” says Brian Waddingham, executive director of CSIF. “Whether it’s due to a lack of available pasture, a way to grow the herd without acquiring additional land or protection from inclement weather, farmers are wanting to learn more about this option and if it’s feasible for their farm. The symposium will provide participants with the opportunity to hear firsthand from cattle farmers who are calving under roof. If you are considering switching to calving under roof, this event will help you determine if this option is right for your farming operation.”
The “Calving Under Roof Symposium” will provide unique insight from industry experts such as Dr. Morgan Hayes, from the University of Kentucky, who will discuss how to get started in cow-calf confinement production. Moe Russell, president of Russell Consultant Group, will offer insight into the financial feasibility of calving under roof today. Sarah Barber, DVM, from the Veterinary Medical Center, will explain ways to manage herd health and offer tips on herd health protocols.
Financing a cow-calf facility
Also on the agenda is Bruce Eberle with Rabo AgriFinance, who will provide attendees with a better understanding of what lenders look for when financing a cow-calf facility. Kelly Jones with Cactus Feeders Inc., will discuss managing cows in confinement and Karla Jenkins with UNL Panhandle Research & Extension Center will give an overview of the nutritional management of confined production cows.
In addition, the symposium will feature two farmer panels where attendees will have the opportunity to hear from cattle farmers who have been successfully calving under roof, as well as see virtual tours of facilities housing cows with 2017 calves at their side. Attendees will also learn how each cattle farmer manages the cattle, the facility, cattle health and nutrition.
Registration, including meals, is $35 if completed by March 1. Registration costs $55 after March 1 and registration is $65 at the door. For more information about the symposium, call 800-932-2436 or register at supportfarmers.com. Space is limited, so register today. For a complete agenda, click here.
CSIF is a nonprofit organization that assists livestock farmers who want help interpreting rules and regulations, guidance on good site locations for barns, counsel on enhancing neighbor relations and tips on how to protect the environment at no cost.
Source: CSIF
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