December 6, 2016
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) recently launched a series of videos featuring experts to help Iowa’s livestock and poultry farmers successfully and responsibly grow their farms. The brief videos include snapshots from the 2016 “Calving Under Roof Field Day” that addressed some of the most frequently asked questions about calving under roof. The videos and information can be accessed at
Is this type of production a workable option for your farm?
At the field day, experts provided attendees with answers to the most commonly asked questions about calving under roof, including management, cattle health, economics, rules and regulations, nutrition and building design. The videos also include farm families who shared strategies they’ve used to successfully grow their farms with the addition of a calving barn.
“The field day provided cattle farmers an opportunity to hear from industry experts, visit with other cow-calf producers, see firsthand cows calving under roof and talk to farmers who are doing it successfully,” says CSIF executive director Brian Waddingham. “The insight offered on the videos provides unique perspectives that can help Iowa farmers determine if this type of production system is a feasible option for their farm.”
With less pasture ground available, more farmers are interested
Growing Iowa’s cattle herd takes hard work and determination, but it also takes a little help and advice from others. With less pasture ground available, more farmers are looking for feasibly solutions to do more with less space. As a result, a trend has emerged to solve the problem: calving under roof. To showcase the “under the roof” options, CSIF has hosted Calving Under Roof events with the help of industry partners including Hoop Beef Systems, LLC and Accu Steel. These structures allow farmers to easily access and monitor animals while also protecting them from harsh Iowa winters. Every event provides information about management, nutrition, health considerations, building design, regulations and more.
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers was created by farmers to help farmers raise livestock successfully, and responsibly. It’s a joint partnership involving the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Egg Council, Iowa Farm Bureau, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Turkey Federation and Midwest Dairy Association. The nonprofit, non-partisan organization provides assistance to farmers at no cost. CSIF does not lobby or develop policy. Farm families wanting a helping hand can contact the coalition at 800-932-2436.
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