July 21, 2023
Vermont organic dairy farmers are encouraged to apply for relief funding to mitigate the extreme market challenges of 2022.
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) is responsible for the application process and distribution of funds. The application is now available online.
This year’s Vermont state budget makes available $6.9 million to help organic dairy farmers with high feed and input costs. Eligible dairy farmers will receive a single payment of $5 per cwt of organic milk produced in 2022.
All qualifying applications will be processed in the order they are received. Agency staff will be verifying information submitted with established records. All documents must be correct and complete before payment can be issued. This includes receipt of 2022 production information, a W-9 and a submitted application.
The application period closes at noon Oct. 20. Any unallocated funds will be diverted to other programs on Dec. 31.
More program information can be found on the VAAFM website at agriculture.vermont.gov.
Robotic milking twilight tour set
An upcoming Penn State Extension workshop will give participants a chance to tour a dairy farm and learn about robotic milking systems.
The robotic dairy twilight tour will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. July 25 at Hemsarth Dairy, 112 Hemsarth Road, Millville, Pa.
The farm is owned and operated by Greg and Cheryl Hemsarth, who milk 220 Holsteins using Lely robots. Participants can walk the farm and learn about the cows, robotic dairy milking and aspects of dairy farm management. The event is open to all ages and will include an ice cream social.
Penn State Extension offers this workshop for free.
More information is available on the Penn State Extension website at extension.psu.edu/robotictour.
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