June 3, 2022
The University of Nebraska’s Haskell Agricultural Laboratory will be hosting a Science and Ag Family Field Day on Aug. 3 at the lab grounds east of Concord.
All ages are welcome at this free event, with a variety of activities and programs on the schedule, including a presentation on 2022 Nebraska land values and cash rental rates by Nebraska Extension educator Jim Jansen.
Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. at the farm site, and scheduled activities run until 2:30 p.m. There will be walking tours of Northeast Arboretum — and an opening ceremony at 10 a.m. with cookies, coffee and iced tea — and the opportunity to meet the new dean and director of Nebraska Extension, Charles Stoltenow.
Heartland Docs veterinarians Ben and Erin Schroeder will be on hand to answer animal-related questions. Backyard Farmer will hold a live question-and-answer panel at 2 p.m., so bring your questions and plant samples if you would like university experts to help identify your landscape or garden issues.
Climatologist Al Dutcher will present his weather outlook, and several other Nebraska Extension researchers and educators will discuss research trials being conducted at the lab. Learn more at hal.unl.edu.
Nebraska 4Rs nutrient stewardship field day
A free event on the 4Rs of nutrient management and water stewardship covers an approach that emphasizes fertilizer use with the right source, right rate, right time and right placement.
The science-based approach focuses on best nutrient management practices and sustainable crop production with increasing crop yields and farmer profit, while protecting the environment. The field day is set for 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 19 at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center in Ithaca.
Some of the topics to be covered include nitrogen inhibitors' performance in corn; the shifting nature of sulfur management; sensing systems for variable-rate nitrogen; nitrogen management tools and their performance, along with nutrient management demonstrations in the field.
Registration is available at agronomy.unl.edu. For more information, contact Nebraska Extension specialist Javed Iqbal at [email protected].
Weed management field day
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s South Central Ag Lab in Clay Center will host the annual weed management field day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 29, featuring on-site demonstration of new technologies and herbicides for weed control in corn, soybeans and sorghum.
Organized by Nebraska Extension weed management specialist Amit Jhala, all demonstration tours will depart from the shop building area at 9 a.m. A free lunch is provided, and certified crop adviser credits are available from the tour.
Some of the highlights include demonstrations on planting green and residual herbicide interaction in soybeans; comparison of herbicide programs for weed control in soybeans; interseeding wheat in soybeans for weed suppression and weed control; and crop safety in XtendFlex soybeans.
On the corn and sorghum side, demonstrations include comparison of herbicide programs for weed control; control of volunteer corn in Enlist corn; comparison of herbicide programs for weed control in herbicide-resistant sorghum; and planting green and residual herbicide interaction in corn.
The keynote speaker for this field day is Dave Varner, associate dean and director of Nebraska Extension. Registration is available at agronomy.unl.edu, or email Jhala at [email protected].
Wheat variety tours
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln crop performance testing program will sponsor wheat variety field tours in eight locations across Nebraska from June 9 through June 23, at sites including southeast Nebraska, the southwest and the Panhandle.
Dates, times and locations include June 9 in Jefferson County at Knobel Seeds, 6:30 p.m. CDT; June 15 in Red Willow County at Peters Seed Farms, 5 p.m. MDT; June 20 in Gosper County at Troy tenBensel and Todd Whitney farms, 10 a.m. CDT; June 21 in Perkins County at Stumpf International Wheat Research Center, 10 a.m. MDT; June 21 in Deuel County at V and F Farmers, 4 p.m. MDT; June 22 in Box Butte County at Cullan Farm Seed, 3:30 p.m. MDT; and June 23 in Banner County at Jim Wyatt farm, 9 a.m. MDT.
For more information, contact Amanda Easterly at [email protected] or 308-254-3918.
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