Day 1 of Husker Harvest Days 2024 is a wrap. And quite a day it was. From big crowds filling the streets to scores of demos in the field and on the show site, by all accounts it was a huge success.
If you wanted to learn more about cover crops, the new cover crop demonstration plots hosted by Green Cover were a popular place on Day 1, with crowds anxious to see the plots growing and to gain some practical tips on how to implement cover crops on their own farms.
The BEEF building, with live cattle handling and numerous educational sessions for farmers and ranchers related to the industry beefed up this year, there was programming of interest to all beef producers. Of course, the big corn harvest demos and haying demos were as popular as ever, but there were stock dog and horse gentling demos as well.
The high temperatures that had been forecast for the day held off a bit, with a few more clouds than were predicted, making things more comfortable for those in attendance. And numerous vendors chose HHD to make product launches or offer news about what is new with their product lineups.
Among the busiest places on the site were the health screenings with agencies and health and wellness related exhibitors interacting with farmers for blood pressure checks, cancer screenings and farm safety related messages.
Day 2 will be just as busy, with thousands of FFA members attending the show; the Nebraska Farmer Hour, which will include an interview with Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen, and more educational sessions and demos where you get the information you need to be profitable back home. Don’t miss all the demos, vendors, food and fun at HHD.
Learn more at or click through our photo gallery from Day 1.
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