How does a New York filmmaker wind up making a movie about something as removed — and specific — as grain bin entrapment?
Like most movies, it starts with a story. Five years ago, a director first pitched the story about two young men from Mount Carroll, Ill., who were killed in a 2010 grain entrapment to filmmaker Sam Goldberg.
Goldberg believed he could shed light on a major farm safety issue, where a person can become submerged in grain in less than 60 seconds. One thing led to another and Goldberg was making his first movie in farm country.
“Did I think my first movie would be about farm country? No!” Goldberg says. “But this is such an interesting subject.”
Released in select theaters this fall, the trailer for “Silo” will be shown to media audiences during Husker Harvest Days.
Attend safety panel discussion
The Grain Handling Safety Coalition and the University of Nebraska Medical Center will offer information and demonstrations at HHD. Also, there will be a safety panel discussion at 1 p.m. Sept. 12 in the HHD Hospitality Tent.
Partnering with Sukup Manufacturing and a handful of farm safety organizations, Goldberg says his core audience is farmers, fire rescue workers, and socially conscious corporations and citizens.
The movie, Goldberg says, is about a grain entrapment involving two teenage boys who go into a bin with an older man, and the ensuing rescue in a small town.
“The movie’s goal is to raise awareness about grain entrapment,” he says. “I hope we scare farmers out of going into these bins without proper safety precautions.”
Goldberg also hopes non-farmers will get a better grasp of agriculture. “The big ambitious goal as a New Yorker who grew up as far away as possible from farms, is that, hopefully, this can build a bridge between small towns and people from cities who don’t know a lot about each other.”
Through his research for the movie, Goldberg learned that rural rescue squads are mainly volunteers: “70% to 80% of American firefighters are volunteer, so part of this film is what they go through and how they risk their lives to save their neighbors.”
Local farm bureaus, FFA chapters, churches, etc., could host a screening. If interested in hosting, email [email protected], check out silothefilm.com, or go to “Silo, The Film” Facebook page.
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