You don’t want to miss a single demonstration or big event at Husker Harvest Days, Sept. 14-16 at Grand Island, Neb. That’s why up-to-the-minute updates on demonstrations, events and last-minute Husker Harvest Days news are available from Husker’s social media sites.
Make sure to like and follow the show on Facebook at Husker Harvest Days or Nebraska Farmer. Updates to the show are also on Twitter @HHdays.
You can also follow Nebraska Farmer @NebFarmerMag, Nebraska Farmer editor Curt Arens @HuskerHomePlace or Farm Progress senior content director Mindy Ward @MindyLWard, as they will be on-site and sharing their own observations and daily analysis of show demonstrations, displays, vendors, food and events.
But don’t forget to share your favorite sights and even sounds of the show. Just tag us @HHdays or @HuskerHarvest or simply add #HuskerHarvestDays and #HHD21 to any social media post.
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