Four information-packed field days are planned in late August and September at the Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center near Dubois. Keith Johnson, Purdue University Extension forage specialist, says each field day will be filled with information presented by informative speakers. Topics range from improving forages to keeping invasive species out of woodlands.
Here is a brief look at each field day. They are free, but registration is required. If you want Private Applicators Recertification Program credit, there is a $10 fee, payable when you arrive at the event. To register, call 812-338-5466 or visit bit.ly/SIPAC2021FieldDays.
Forage field day and PARP training. Topics include fertilizer application regulations for growers, weed management and herbicides, forage pest management, forage disease management, and more. Jason Tower, SIPAC superintendent, will lead a discussion about using cover crops successfully with livestock. This field day is Aug. 21, from 1 to 5 p.m. EST.
Beef field day. This field day will be held Aug. 28, from 1-5 p.m. EST. Graduate research assistant Marian Wahl will discuss black vulture damage and control, and Tower will share lessons learned in transitioning to fall calving. Other topics include correcting nutritional deficiencies prior to calving, extending the grazing season through bale grazing and using forage analysis to optimize success with bale grazing. PARP credits are not offered at this field day.
Invasive plants and forestry field day. This field day is scheduled for Sept. 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You’ve been hearing a lot about the threat invasive species pose to Indiana woodlots. Come learn firsthand what you can do about it, and how you can turn your forest into a more productive part of your farm operation.
Small ruminant field day. Sheep and other small ruminants get their time to shine at SIPAC on Sept. 18, from 1 to 5 p.m. EST. The SIPAC crew has experience working with small ruminants, and along with other specialists, they will share what they’ve learned. Remember, like the other field days, this one is free, but registration is required.
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