Wallaces Farmer

These tools meet various tillage needs

What’s New From the Shows: Tools range from field cultivator to strip-till finisher row units.

October 30, 2018

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PLENTY OF TILLAGE: There are still plenty of people doing tillage, and companies recognize it. There were a large number of new tillage tools on display at farm shows recently.

By Farm Progress staff

Perhaps where you farm you believe your best option for tillage is still a heavy-duty disk. The folks at Lemken believe enough people have the same need. They're introducing the Rubin 10 disk to fill that need. It joins other heavy-duty disks on the market as another product that you might want to consider if you believe conventional tillage is still right for your farm.

On the other end of the spectrum, Yetter delivers a tool for strip-tillers that takes advantage of precision-age technology. You can control downforce on these row units. More manufacturers are recognizing that downforce on working tools, not just planters, is important to till every acre right without running the risk of soil compaction on soils that are more prone to that problem.

Other companies are bringing high-speed tillage tools online. Versatile made sure potential customers would get the message by naming their high-speed entry into the tillage market "Fury." The Speedtiller from K-Line Ag has been upgraded for 2019 as well.

If you can't find a tillage tool that does what you want, you may not be looking in the right places. Farm shows this fall were filled with many high-quality tillage tools, and many of them were either completely new products or upgraded versions of existing products. It's obvious manufacturers aren't ignoring people who still want to do tillage despite the push for soil health and cover crops. In fact, many tillage tools are adopting a cleaner decision and require less daily maintenance than before. 

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