January 19, 2016
Precision Planting developed FurrowJet, a new planter fertilizer attachment that accurately places liquid fertilizer in ideal locations for nutrient absorption. The attachment integrates dual-band near furrow (three-quarter inch) placement with an optional third band in-furrow for maximum plant uptake and rate flexibility.
The attachment mounts behind the seed tube to Precision Planting’s quick-attach Keeton firmer bracket. It rides in the furrow right behind an integrated seed firmer with wings that slice the furrow sidewall to apply liquid fertilizer near the seed on both sides of the furrow.
Today, yield response from starter is limited by the current in-furrow and 2x2 attachments. Due to fertilizer salt burn risk, rates for in-furrow pop-up attachments are very limited, capping the yield opportunity. Starter fertilizer placed by using 2x2 attachments is just too far away from the plant roots to be effective during early root development.
By being near-furrow, FurrowJet’s placements give the seedling and crown roots immediate and continuous access to the nutrients. Combined with accurate placement FurrowJet enables increased rates of common starters to be applied safely, avoiding the risk of seed burn.
Precision Planting was founded in central Illinois and now part of The Climate Corporation, a division of Monsanto Company.
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