A picturesque summer ride with just you and your equine companion on the open plains. Birds chirping as they fly through the warm air. Blue, sunny skies with just a touch of clouds. Then, a sudden noise meets your ears as you and your saddle suddenly slide off the horse’s back, bewildered and confused about what just happened.
Tack is an essential piece of your riding experiences, whether you trail ride for fun, compete in timed events or are moving cattle by horseback. Since tack is sometimes the only thing that securely keeps you on your horse during equine activity, don’t forget to check it for signs of damage or wear that can end your ride prematurely.
Common wear points
No matter the discipline, you probably have numerous pieces of tack you use on your equine partner. Whether you went all out with custom leather pieces or are working on a budget, common wear points include the leather, buckles and cinch.
The University of Nebraska Extension suggests checking out these wear areas before saddling up:
Stirrup hobbles
Where the latigo meets the rigging
Where the latigo and cinch meet
The cinch hobble
Rear cinch
These are all common areas that take more wear than others. Without proper inspection, any of these points breaking or failing could put you or your horse in harm’s way. A broken cinch hobble leads to a back cinch that slides back into the horse’s flank and could cause them to buck. A stirrup coming loose could cause you to lose your balance and fall when chasing down that calf that got out.
Inspect the leather and hardware
Leather is a common material for most tack, but as a porous, natural material it can hold moisture or get too dry. From bridles to saddles and everything in between, a well-crafted item can last a lifetime. But materials still can wear out, especially if they’re often used for a hard day’s work.
Bend the leather on your bridle, reins and saddle, inspecting it closely for any cracking. These cracks can weaken the leather and could break under what would otherwise be normal circumstances. Anywhere the leather folds, such as the latigo, is more likely to wear and crack than the rest of the saddle.
While you have your bridle out, check the buckles for any signs of rust or corrosion. Loose Chicago screws could cause your bridle to fail when you need it most, so keep a few extras on hand for quick replacement.
Give the bit a once-over, removing any debris that may be on the mouthpiece. Ensure that the attachment points on the bridle and reins are strong. Check the common wear points and the underside of your saddle for excessive wear while making sure there are no loose connections where the leather and hardware connect.
Leather latigos and cinches can stretch over time with use and wear. Make sure there are no cracks or thin spots when saddling up. A good seat only helps when the saddle can stay securely on the animal.
For synthetic tack pieces such as some saddle pads, cinches or halters, use a brush to remove dirt, sweat and hair. A vacuum cleaner can even help in this step. Check the manufacturer’s tag, but you should be able to soak most synthetic pieces in a tub or bucket to loosen residue.
Use a gentle, equine-safe soap, and be sure to rinse fully. Allow it to dry entirely before storing.
Maintain for safe keeping
Mud, sweat and more are all a part of life on the ranch. Maintaining clean tack is essential for your horse’s well-being and protects from wear and tear.
When cleaning, take your tack apart to ensure you’re getting into all the folds and buckles that can collect the most dirt. Take a slightly damp sponge or rag and wipe down the items thoroughly to remove grime. This might be enough depending on the condition, but if a deep clean is needed, get out your saddle soap.
Apply only thin layers of leather cleaner or saddle soap in circular motions. Use a toothbrush to get into hard-to-reach areas or to remove stubborn dirt. Toothpicks can help get into stitching, and don’t forget to tighten conchos to ensure they stay in place.
Avoid soaking your tack in water, but make sure to use enough water to remove all soap and cleaner. After cleaning, tack should be allowed to fully dry before being stored. Now is the time you can polish any silver or conchos on your bridles and saddles.
Depending on the age of your equipment, saddle oil might be needed to soften and condition the leather to prevent cracking in the future. Right after a thorough cleaning is the best time to apply saddle oil.
Finally, with your tack back to tip-top shape, be sure to store it in a safe, dry environment so you’re ready to ride — safely.
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